Naturalistic X-Mas Special!
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Naturalistic X-Mas Special!
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Stephen G. Post on his new book, The Hidden Gifts of Helping: How the Power of Giving, Compassion, and Hope Can Get Us Through Hard Times
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Stephen speaks widely on themes of benevolent love and compassionate care at the interface of science, health, spirituality, and philanthropy. His work has been featured in periodicals such as Parade Magazine and O: The Oprah Magazine, and on such media venues as The Daily Show, John Stossel, 20/20 and Nightline. He has addressed the U.S. Congress on volunteerism and public health.
Research has revealed that when we show concern for others—empathizing with a friend who has lost a loved one, mowing the lawn for an elderly neighbor, or volunteering to mentor a school-aged child—we improve our own health and well-being and embrace and give voice to our deeper identity and dignity as human beings. The Hidden Gifts of Helping explores the very personal story of Stephen and his family’s difficult move and their experience with the healing power of helping others, as well as his passion about how this simple activity—expressed in an infinite number of small or large ways—can help you survive and thrive despite the expected and unexpected challenges life presents.
David Niose on his new book, Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans
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David Niose advocates for an identity-oriented approach to secular activism to raise awareness of the secular demographic in American society. Using the LGBT movement as a model, Niose argues that by “coming out” and asserting rights as a minority group, nonbelievers can similarly gain acceptance. Critical of the Religious Right, Niose argues progressive policy goals will be difficult or impossible to attain without the secular demographic in America asserting itself. David has served since 2009 as president of the American Humanist Association, an organization that promotes humanism, and defends the rights of humanists and other non-theistic Americans is the author of Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans.
Post Hurricane Sandy Live Show!
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After a month of airing re-run episodes of ETFF due to the critical effects of Hurricane Sandy on WBAI, we finally have a chance to produce a live program- So join us as we discuss traditional humanist concerns on the different ways to interpret life, death, and empathy between liberal religious venues and naturalistic humanism. Also we will talk briefly with Stuart Mason Dambrot on his website which brings cutting edge science to the public via the Internet.
Culture Pleasure Positive
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At a time when the anti-pleasure/anti-female forces in our society have been more strident than ever in their opposition not only to a woman’s right to choose, but now even to contraception, our fall fund drive special will explore what life might be like if human sexuality wasn’t filtered through the shame-based narrative of religion and traditionalist culture, nor used to exploit and manipulate us into becoming ever greater consumers.
We’ll consider how an evidence-based appreciation of key aspects of our humanity should point us towards creating a new and healthier “pleasure positive” culture.
Joining Arnell Dowret along with Equal Time for Freethought’s newest host Keysha Whitiker, will be author Christopher Ryan. And we’ll be offering his book Sex at Dawn as well as several other pleasure positive premiums to our listener sponsors who contribute during the program.
Audio for part-two coming soon…
The End of Men and The Rise of Women
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Everything that begins must end. Last month on ETFF, author Tim Wise warned us of the looming demographic shift which will soon make White Americans the minority in the United States. This month, journalist Hanna Rosin tells us the end is near for another group: men.
In The End of Men and The Rise of Women, Rosin lays out how a shift in dynamics on several fronts have allowed – or in some cases forced – men out of their traditional roles and responsibilities, including moving from roles associated with brawn. Women, on the other hand, are “on the rise” according to Rosin – making measurable gains in various areas and undergoing their own shape shifting: adopting characteristics typically found in “male territory.” This movement is not contained to the United States; Rosin presents evidence that traditional gender roles around the world are blurring and bending.
Rosin writes that though she began the book “thinking that we were heading into a woman’s world” that “would reflect some set of ‘womanly values,’ ” she found that assumption to be a “story we tell ourselves to make the current massive upheavals in gender roles seem tamer and more predictable.”
In this interview, she elaborates on the changes in the middle class, economy, education, relationships, and even violence and how we must continue to adapt as we move into this new world.
Discussion on the Anger in the Muslim World w/ Michael De Dora and Larry Pintak
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The Science of Evil w/ Simon Baron-Cohen
History is full of cruelty- is there a person alive who hasn’t at some point been treated with gross insensitivity or even downright meanness by another?
Today, as a result of cutting edge neuroscience and social science, we know more about what causes people to act in hurtful ways than at any prior time in human history. So, we are pleased to present the work of one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology in the departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge, Dr. Simon Baron Cohen.
Arguing that we explain nothing by describing acts of cruelty as “evil,” Dr. Cohen’s work demonstrates that cruelty can be traced to a distinct psychological state – a lack of empathy. Borderline personality disorder, narcissism, psychopathology, autism, and Asperger’s disorder: all of these syndromes result from a lack of empathy. Dr. Cohen backs up his claims with a wealth of research from developmental psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and genetics.
Naturalistic Support Workshop w/ Arnell Dowret
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While faith-based and other traditional paths which are based on supernatural beliefs claim to provide these benefits, the reality clearly falls short. Naturalism in contrast, which concerns itself with attaining an understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe that is accurate, reliable, and testable (evidence-based) can actually deliver all of these benefits, with a level of effectiveness that no supernatural-based approach can equal.
Gaining a naturalized understanding of ourselves and how we fit into the world around us can help us reduce thoughts and feelings that diminish our effectiveness and debilitate us mentally and physically such as guilt, shame, regret, blame, resentment, indignation, anxiety, fear, anger, hurt, and feelings of worthlessness; it can sharpen our awareness, deepen our empathy, and support lasting growth. The way we will demonstrate how a naturalistic understanding can accomplish all of this will be by taking calls from listeners who are willing to share how such damaging feelings may be diminishing their happiness.
Naturalistic Support is an approach to providing non-hierarchical peer support, and demonstrating how applied naturalism can facilitate personal growth. It is not a substitute for conventional psychotherapy or other forms of counseling that are traditionally provided by licensed professionals.
The Republican Brain w/ Chris Mooney
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We live in precarious times. While the entire world is suffering from one serious crises or another, in America it has become clear our economic and political structures on which modern industrial society is built are crumbling: Politics is more polarizing than at any time since the Civil War, our social and physical infrastructures are under serious duress – if not already collapsing – and our damaged ecology is nearing the point of no return. At a time when we need more unity and clear thinking than ever, we have instead seen a disconnect between Republicans and Democrats – or, more precisely – between conservative individualists and authoritarians, and liberal communalists and egalitarians.
Chris Mooney focuses on some aspects of this divide in The Republican Brain, asking political and scientific questions concerning the possible reasons the American Right seems to embrace an alternate-universe version of reality. What lies beneath this phenomenon and whether or not we can do anything about it is what we will be discussing today…