Show 388: Naturalistic Support Workshop

Naturalistic Support Workshop w/ Arnell Dowret

Audio here!

Becoming empowered to advance your life while also advancing the lives of those around you; attaining a deeper sense of connectedness to others; and experiencing life with sublime inspiration and serenity.  While faith-based and other traditional paths which are based on supernatural beliefs claim to provide these benefits, the reality clearly falls short.  Naturalism in contrast, which concerns itself with attaining an understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe that is accurate, reliable, and testable, (evidence-based), can actually deliver all of these benefits, with a level of effectiveness that no supernatural-based approach can equal.

For years we at Equal Time for Freethought – and many of our guests – have been saying this, but talk is cheep and we (and our guests) do talk quite a lot.   So, ultimately, what’s in it for you?   Our answer to this excellent question is Equal Time for Freethought’s “Naturalistic Support Workshop.”  In this brand new segment which launches this Saturday, and will continue on the last Saturday of each month, we will demonstrate how a naturalistic understanding can help us better deal with our struggles and challenges so that we can live happier, healthier, and more empowered lives.

Gaining a naturalized understanding of ourselves and how we fit into the world around us can help us reduce thoughts and feelings that diminish our effectiveness and debilitate us mentally and physically such as guilt, shame, regret, blame, resentment, indignation, anxiety, fear, anger, hurt, and feelings of worthlessness; it can sharpen our awareness, deepen our empathy, and support lasting growth.

The way we will demonstrate how a naturalistic understanding can accomplish all of this will be by taking calls from listeners who are willing to share how such damaging feelings may be diminishing their happiness.  We’ll examine what’s behind such feelings and show how viewing our problems through a naturalistic lens can help change our thinking to minimize the impact of such damaging feelings.

Naturalistic Support is an approach to providing non-hierarchical peer support, and demonstrating how applied naturalism can facilitate personal growth.  It is not a substitute for conventional psychotherapy or other forms of counseling that are traditionally provided by licensed professionals.

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