Show 211: Fund Drive Show – “Evolution, Religion & the New Atheism” w/ David Sloan Wilson

Fund Drive Show – “Evolution, Religion & the New Atheism” w/ David Sloan Wilson

Audio here!

What does the Judeo-Christian, Islamic religious world view tell us about human nature and our place in the universe?

What does Evolutionary Biology and Scientific Naturalism itself tell us about human nature and our place in the Universe?

Where do these two worldviews merge – if they merge – and where do they differ… and how important is that difference?

And that all said, what does religion have to do with humanity’s evolution and how ought we view religion as our troubled societies move into post 9/11 times?

PODCAST/AUDIO for Interview Only

This Sunday we will try to address these questions via our summer fund drive special, “Evolution, Naturalism and Religion.” To help us do so, we will be playing clips a recent talk and from past interviews ETFF conducted with evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins – author of the bestselling book on religion and science, The God Delusion. We will also be talking with evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson, author of Darwin’s Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society and Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin’s Theory can Change the Way we Think about our Lives. As premiums for becoming members to WBAI, we will be offering both Darwin’s Cathedral and the documentary mini-series, Evolution.

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