Show 476: Sam Harris

Sam Harris on Spirituality, Minus Religion or God

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This Saturday, host Matthew LaClair speaks with neuroscientist, philosopher, and author Sam Harris on his upcoming book, Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion.  Mr. Harris is the author of books including Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, and the NY Times bestseller The End of Faith. He is also cofounder and CEO of Project Reason, “a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society.” Mr. Harris’ new book, Waking Up, is a personal, rational, and scientific exploration of the benefits of meditation, without the myths, stories, and theistic assumptions typically attached to such practices.  Throughout the book, Harris challenges the notion of “self,” arguing that such a feeling is an illusion, rather than the only state of being conscious.  It is both an attempt to better understand the nature of being, and to explore ways in which we may improve the quality of our lives.

Show 341: “Naturalistic Christmas” Special!

Equal Time for Freethought’s 2-Hour “Naturalistic Christmas” Special!

Audio here!

Experience Christmas as only WBAI can offer with a naturalized, secular, and faith-free twist; including a very special Christmas guided meditation, and our exclusive Christmas morning interview with Santa Claus, who as it turns out is a skeptic himself.

And, as on many a Christmas past, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how your Christmas is going and where you see hope for tomorrow.

Okay, now, if Christmas for you is all about religion, then you may prefer to listen to something a bit more devotional – but for everyone else, tune in and let the Naturalistic Christmas fun begin!

Show 304: Naturalistic Christmas Special!

Equal Time for Freethought’s TWO-HOUR Naturalistic Christmas Special!

Audio here!

This Christmas join Arnell Dowret for another naturalized, secular, and faith-free Christmas celebration as he demonstrates how and why Christmas can – and should – be a fully naturalistic and fun holiday.

During the program we’ll be taking listener calls to hear about where you see hope for tomorrow, and for you to tell us how your Christmas is going.  We’ll also feature a special guided Christmas meditation, and we’ll be replaying Equal Time for Freethought’s classic Christmas morning interview with Santa Claus and his wife, Christine.

And although Equal Time for Freethought’s Naturalistic Christmas Special is faith-free, throughout the years we have had many people of faith tell us they’re glad they tuned in.  So, unless you’re a big fan of guys like Glenn Beck, be sure to tune in!

Show 267: Naturalistic Christmas Special!

Equal Time for Freethought’s Naturalistic Christmas Special!

Audio here!

Well that time of year is here again!  And despite all the pronouncements of faith in speech, song and public display, a majority of people who celebrate Christmas in America are disinclined to believe that the only person who can save our world was born and died about two thousand years ago.

In reality most Americans understand that the people who can help humanity ring in an age of social justice, stable environment, global peace, and fair access to resources for all, are walking among us today, and this is reflected in the fact that at Christmastime most people who have children in their lives spend far more time fussing over them than they do praying.

There’s no need to believe in supernatural ideas to participate and enjoy the holiday that celebrates and indulges children, and the hope for a better tomorrow which they embody, and looks to the ever longer days of sun light, which now begin, as a symbol of better times ahead.

Continue reading “Show 267: Naturalistic Christmas Special!”

Show 229: Naturalistic Christmas Special

Audio here!

Long, long before anyone ever heard of Jesus, people all over the world knew that this time of year was special. The winter solstice is a completely natural event, which is loaded with significance, both symbolic and real.

On Christmas Day, Equal Time for Freethought will show how and why Christmas can, and should, be a fully naturalistic holiday… And what a great time we’re going to have doing it!

We’ll be featuring a replay of our classic Equal Time for Freethought’s “Christmas with Santa Claus” interview; we’ll have a look at the history of Christmas and from where its traditions are derived; we’ll be taking your calls, and if that wasn’t enough- we’ll be venturing out to the cutting edge as we offer a special Christmas guided meditation in which everyone can participate!

And you don’t even need to be non-faith based or non-supernatural to benefit from tuning in; in addition to our traditional non-faith-based listeners, Muslims, Jews, Astrologers, Roman Catholics, Baptists, and others can get a lot from the elements of a Naturalistic Christmas…