Show 619: Naturalistic Support

2hr Naturalistic Xmas Special!

Join hosts Arnell Dowret and Elaine Durbach as they explore a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program is based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Naturalistic Support began on Equal Time for Freethought and was hosted by WBAI-NY Producer, Arnell Dowret. This is the reboot, still hosted and produced by Arnell but with occasional guest hosts.

Audio for Show #15 can be heard below!

Xmas Day Regular Program
Naturalistic Xmas Special!

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