Fund Drive Special on Race and Racism: Tim Wise Audio
Show 554: A Discussion with Waleed Al-Husseini
A Discussion with Waleed Al-Husseini
Religion and the problems it can cause was one of the first topics we discussed on this show, way back in 2002; and with the rise of religious fundamentalism, it still remains a very important issue. We have addressed all three monotheistic religions, and even Buddhism once or twice, in an attempt to explore how they affect society. Of course, with the 16th anniversary of 9/11 earlier this month, Islam has been at the forefront of criticism by both religious and secular conservatives, as well as many prominent atheists like Sam Harris and Hirsi Ali. We have had a variety of discussions on this show about Islam and the sociopolitical landscape on the Middle East – as well as the global west’s influence in helping prop up and support radical Islamist groups and governments.
Today we will talk with Waleed Al-Husseini about his personal trials with Islam, and how he went from believer to blasphemer and prisoner… and ultimately was able to begin a new life in Western Europe. His autobiographical book is called The Blasphemer: The Price I Paid for Rejecting Islam which was published by Arcade in 2015. Waleed, who is Palestinian, was born in Qalqilya, West Bank. After his release from custody of the Palestinian Authority in 2011, he moved to France and eventually founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of France.
Audio can be found here!
Show 553: Susan Blackmore
Equal Time welcomes Susan Blackmore back to the show!
Where can you draw a line between spirituality and (scientific) skepticism? Is there a way to find a balance between the two without believing in supernaturalism? How does the new work in consciousness studies and neuroscience help us better understand what is “real” or imagined?
On this show, ex parapsychologist, current psychologist and scientific skeptic Susan Blackmore will discuss her own experience as well a her recent books, The Meme Machine, and Seeing Myself (about OBE’s).
Audio can be found here!
Show 552: Non-Violent Communication
Non-Violent Communication w/ Dian Killian
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is based on the principles of nonviolence– the natural state of compassion when no violence is present in the heart.
NVC begins by assuming that we are all compassionate by nature and that violent strategies—whether verbal or physical—are learned behaviors taught and supported by the prevailing culture. NVC also assumes that we all share the same, basic human needs, and that each of our actions are a strategy to meet one or more of these needs.
People who practice NVC have found greater authenticity in their communication, increased understanding, deepening connection and conflict resolution.
For this program, we spoke with Dian Killian, PhD, who is a Certified Trainer with the international Center for Nonviolent Communication, a certified life coach (a graduate of the Coaching for Transformation program). This is the third time Dr. Killian has been on ETFF.
Audio can be found here!
Show 551: The ABCs of Anarchy/Atheism w. Brian Heagney and Judas Peters
The ABCs of Anarchy/Atheism w. Brian Heagney and Judas Peters
How can anarchists and/or atheists share with their children the ideas they hold dear? There are a variety of books for children on skepticism, science, humanism, ethics, etc. But there are very few books on atheism and almost none on anarchy.
Brian Heagney wrote a children’s book on anarchy some years ago, but we only discovered this year. He may eventually publish an updated version (or at least we hope he does).
Judas Peters is about to publish a children’s book on atheism which looks to be a great addition to the field. On this weeks show, we got to speak with both of them!
Audio can be found here!
Show 550: ‘Women Beyond Belief’ w/ Karen Garst
What are the ties today between feminism and atheism? Why do women, who are often the victims of patriarchal religious “morality”, fail to leave religious indoctrination more than men? How can one better understand why they believe, and how they might de-convert from the magical thinking religious belief demands? And what kind of stories have women who have left the “faith”, told?
This week, new guest host Jessica Schab interviews author and former Christian, Karen Garst on her debut book, Women Beyond Belief: Discovering Life without Religion — a collection of stories from 22 women who have left religion in their past.
Audio can be found here!
Show 549: A Discussion with Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Host Matthew LaClair interviews Leonard Pitts Jr., a nationally syndicated columnist and novelist. Throughout his 35 year career, he has written on subjects ranging from music to politics, religion to science, race, writing, and more. We touch on all these subjects, with a focus on how interest in facts and critical thinking have declined, with ignorance taking its place.
Audio can be found here!
Show 548: My Professor and Me
Psychologist and guest host Damian Gracia interviews his psychology mentor, Pace University professor Paul Griffin. Following the interview is special discussion between Damian and Arnell Dowret addressing ideas that the interview raised.
Audio can be found here!
A special discussion between Damian Gracia and co-Producer Arnell Dowret on the show above can be found here!
Show 547: The EOF Project w/ Jessica Schab and Diego Fontanive
Show 546: March’s #trypod Month w/ New Host Damian Gracia
As part of our observing March’s #trypod Month (try a new podcast month) we will listen to and comment on two audio clips – one from ‘Waking Up with Sam Harris‘, and the other from ‘This American Life‘. We will discuss these clips with new guest host, Damian Gracia.
Audio can be found here!