Show 563: Chris Shelton; Former Scientologist

Chris Shelton: Former Scientologist Tells His Story…

(From Chris’s Website): “I used to be a Scientologist and got myself out of that situation in late 2013. As part of my road out of that mess, I discovered skepticism and the whole subject of critical thinking. It was an epiphany for me and a very important step on my road to recovery. No one wants to think that they were duped or made a fool of, and no one wants to think that they could be so easily deceived. Once I started learning about logic and reason, I made it my mission in life to spread this new “gospel” so as to help others in their lives.”

Audio can be found here!

Show 562: The Journey of Chad White: From True Believer to Scientific Skeptic

The Journey of Chad White: From True Believer to Scientific Skeptic

Chad White went from a being a spiritual believer to an atheist after an encounter with a non believer at a Rainbow Tribe Gathering. This led to him questioning more of his beliefs, even the ones that were near and dear to him. In this interview we will discuss Chad’s story…and his disillusionment. We will also talk about how he went from being anti-GMO to Pro-GMO, and what happened after he started to go public with his discoveries.

Audio can be found here!



Another classic iconoclastic Christmas from WBAI in the way that only ‘BAI can deliver.  All of the classics –Santa Interviews-Christmas Meditation-and- on this holiday of portentous astronomical significance- a brand new interview with Chief Astronomer for the SETI (Search for Intelligent Life) Institute!

Audio can be found here!

Show 560: Takis Fotopoulos and the New World Order in Action

The phasing out of economic and national sovereignty…by the (NeoLiberal) process has led to a popular global movement for sovereignty, i.e. self-determination and against globalization. The rise of the New World Order and the role of the Transnational Elite; that is, the network of the economic and political elites which administers it, are examined in Fotopoulos’ new text, ‘The New World Order in Action: Globalization, the Brexit Revolution and the “Left”‘

The mythology used by the elites as well as by the globalist “Left” is examined. It was the full integration of the Left into the new order which has led to its political bankruptcy and the rise of neo-nationalist movements embraced by most of the victims of globalization, particularly the working class that used to support the Left. The need for a struggle for national as well as social liberation has become imperative today on the way to a new form of internationalism inspired by the principles of solidarity and mutual aid, rather than the catastrophic principles of competitiveness and profit-making.

Audio can be found here!

Show 559: Anthony Magnabosco on ‘Street Epistemology’

Street Epistemology is a dialectical approach intent on helping people reflect on the reliability of the methods used to arrive at deeply-held beliefs. We will be speaking with one of the founders of the movement, Anthony Magnabosco.

Anthony has been learning, studying, conducting, and promoting Street Epistemology for nearly five years, and is considered one of the leading practitioners of the method. He has preformed nearly one thousand interactions on camera and has uploaded hundreds of examples to his YouTube Channel where more then 20,000 subscribers are able to learn by observation.

Anthony has appeared on numerous podcasts, shows and blogs including The Atheist Experience, The Thinking Atheist podcast, Cognitive Dissonance, The Friendly Atheist podcast and blog and the David Pakman Show to discuss and share Street Epistemology with others.

Audio can be found here!

Show 558: David Neiwert on the Rise of the Alt-Right

David Neiwert on the Rise of the Alt-Right

Matthew LaClair speaks with journalist and author David Neiwert on his new book, Alt-America; The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump. Growing up in rural Idaho, Neiwert lived alongside a culture that included right-wing nationalists and white supremacists, which gave him first-hand experience on the belief system and thought process that makes them tick. In this book, Neiwert lays out a vivid history of the changing radical-right as it evolved to include not only the poorly educated, but also the highly educated people who are susceptible to believing almost anything, so long as it fits their world view. Why do so many people think this way? How did they help Trump, and how did Trump fuel their growth? Are these people “stupid?”

Audio can be found here!

Show 556: Massimo Pigliucci on Stoicism

Massimo Pigliucci on Stoicism

(From Publisher): Whenever we worry about what to eat, how to love, or simply how to be happy, we are worrying about how to lead a good life. No goal is more elusive. In How to Be a Stoic, philosopher Massimo Pigliucci offers Stoicism, the ancient philosophy that inspired the great viagra cost emperor Marcus Aurelius, as the best way to attain it. Stoicism is a pragmatic philosophy that focuses our attention on what is possible and gives us perspective on what is unimportant. By understanding Stoicism, we can learn to answer crucial questions: Should we get married or divorced? How should we handle our money in a world nearly destroyed by a financial crisis? How can we survive great personal tragedy? Whoever we are, Stoicism has something for us – and How to Be a Stoic is the essential guide.

Audio can be found here!