Show 460: Fund Drive Hour; Dr. Joe Graves, Jr.

Fund Drive Hour; Dr. Joe Graves, Jr.

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February 12th is Darwin Day, and February is both Darwin Month (for celebrators), and Black History Month. For this special fund-drive edition of Equal Time for Freethought, we will be joined by Dr. Joe Graves, Jr.  Dr. Graves will discuss his life as a scientist where African Americans are still low in number, his specific endeavors as an evolutionary biologist (including his work on the social construct of Race), and what he has been working on in the last few years since we last had him on the program.  He will also talk to the importance of understanding evolutionary theory in the light of the fact that we still – in 2014 – have to  have debates between scientists and Creationists.

Show 457: Dale DeBakcsy on “Free Will & Atonement” & Madelyn Hoffman on her trip to Israel/Palestine

Dale DeBakcsy on “Free Will & Atonement” & Madelyn Hoffman on her trip to Israel/Palestine

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Last week, Xaq and his brother Adam explored what is meant by ‘free will’; whether or not we have such powers, or are caused by our biology, environment, and social experiences. Today we will chat with Dale DeBakcsy on the free will question and how a deterministic worldview might affect how we treat each under the law. We will also discuss how a determinist might conceive of forgiveness, praise, and retribution.

We will also talk with the director of NJPA, Madelyn Hoffman, on her recent trip to the Middle East. Madelyn attended a No Nukes conference in Israel and Palestine, and also had the opportunity to visit the Occupied Territories.

Show 456: Special Call-In Show: The Rzetelny Brothers on “Free Will”

Special Call-In Show: The Rzetelny Brothers on “Free Will”

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Do we have free will? You may have heard that question before, but what does it really mean? If we had it, how would we know? What would it look like if we did, or if we didn’t? And, more importantly, what does this mean for society? While on some level it may seem like just an abstract concept, our views of free will can affect how we treat other people, and how we build our society. Which makes it an important, and certainly interesting, topic to discuss.

Luckily, science gives us clues as to the nature of human decision-making — the essence of free will. But what should we make of it? How should we build policies out of these clues? Hosts Xaq Rzetelny and his brother, special guest host Dr. Adam Rzetelny, will be discussing these issues and more, and taking callers.

Dr. Adam Rzetelny is a licensed clinical psychologist with clinical and research experience in addiction, psychiatry, pain, neurology, and behaviorism.  Dr. Rzetelny co-authored several scientific papers and presentations, including pharmacogenetics of response to nicotine replacement therapy in smokers, drug testing in patients with addictions, and physical therapy in patients with MS.  In his clinical practice, he treated severe mental illness and addiction in both in-patient and outpatient settings.  Dr. Rzetelny currently works as a researcher and educator for a company that provides drug testing and pharmacogenetics services.

Show 455: Physics Nobel Prize recipient, Dr. John Mather

Physics Nobel Prize recipient, Dr. John Mather

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This Saturday our guest is Dr. John Mather, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics for his precision measurement of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which further solidified the Big Bang theory.  He is now a senior astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and senior project scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope. Dr. Mather discusses his work, life, and the development of new technology that is certain to once again inform and enlighten scientists and the public on our fascinating and mysterious universe.

Show 452: Naturalistic Christmas Special

Naturalistic Christmas Special

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How and Why to Have a Naturalistic Christmas

In anticipation of our Naturalistic Christmas Special (Christmas Day from 3-5) we will enumerate the value of enjoying this holiday which is far older than the ancient Christian era.

We’ll have tips and clips and parody carols and lots more fun than would fit…ah…in a barrel?

Well anyway you get the picture.

So be sure to tune in to a program that can even get us atheists filled with Christmas cheer!