Show 631: Naturalistic Support


Sooner or later all of us will deal with the people we love growing old.  And if we live long enough, we eventually will have to deal with our own aging as well.

Despite the ubiquity of old age, the way American society cares for its seniors is uniquely inadequate with as many as half of elder Americans lacking sufficient income to cover basic necessities.

How can we face the challenges of aging and live the best life possible?

Audio for Show #27 can be heard below!

Show 630: Naturalistic Support


There are a lot of ways we can feel betrayed. Having our trust violated, or our expectations breached can be deeply emotionally painful.  And during this turbulent time of political unrest our communication with family and friends can be fraught with frustration and disappointment.

One way to react is to put up a protective wall, but doing so comes at a high cost.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #26 can be heard below!

Show 629: Naturalistic Support

Call Out Culture Virtue Signaling and Shaming Pt. 2 

Hatred and fear of others is a virus which takes control of the minds it infects.  But is calling out and shaming people who engage in hateful speech or behavior a helpful response?  Is there a more effective way to liberate our brothers and sisters and lead them toward being kinder, more inclusive, and more curious?

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #25 can be heard below!

Show 628: Naturalistic Support

Call Out Culture Virtue Signaling and Shaming 

Hatred and fear of others is a virus which takes control of the minds it infects.  But is calling out and shaming people who engage in hateful speech or behavior a helpful response?  Is there a more effective way to liberate our brothers and sisters and lead them toward being kinder, more inclusive, and more curious?

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #24 can be heard below!

Show 627: Naturalistic Support

How to Avoid Hopelessness!

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #23 can be heard below!

Show 626: Naturalistic Support

How to Improve our Relationships

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you. Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program is based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #22 can be heard here!

Show 625: Naturalistic Support

Naturalistic Humanism

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program is based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #21 can be heard here!

Show 624: Naturalistic Support

Virtue, Role Models, and Other Misconceptions

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program is based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #20 can be heard here!

Show 623: Naturalistic Support

Fresh Starts

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program is based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #19 can be heard here!

Show 622: Naturalistic Support

Part of a WBAI-News Special

Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality.  And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you.

Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program is based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of cause and effect. Focused on personal growth and relationship building, the show delves into topics like anger, betrayal, grief, and forgiveness.

Audio for Show #18 can be heard here and finished at the start of here!