Show 501: Fund Drive Special!

Audio here!

Arnell Dowret will host this seasons program which will focus on the many problems with the Corporate Media and just why Pacifica is so important in these very regressive times. There will be a variety of thank-you items if you donate including the documentary Shadows of Liberty.

In this documentary, “filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay takes a journey through the darker corridors of the US media, where global conglomerates call the shots. For decades, their overwhelming influence has distorted news journalism and compromised its values. In highly revealing stories, renowned journalists, activists and academics give insider accounts of a broken media system. Controversial news reports are suppressed, people are censored for speaking out, and lives are shattered as the arena for public expression is turned into a private profit zone. Tracing the story of media manipulation through the years, Shadows of Liberty poses a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news? Media reform is urgent and freedom of the press is fundamental.”

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