Andrew Cohen & Tom Clark on “Evolutionary Enlightenment, Naturalism and Free Will”
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This week, Arnell Dowret and I will facilitate a discussion between Andrew Cohen, publisher of “What is Enlightenment” magazine, and Thomas Clark, director of the “Center for Naturalism.”
When last we had Mr. Cohen on this program, we touched upon his theory of “evolutionary enlightenment” and tried to find where his ideas, and those of naturalists, interconnected. Indeed we were pleased to learn, at least on the political end of things and the need for human interconnectedness, that Cohen and naturalism shared similar values.
However, where we differed was on issues of scientific materialism and the notion of free will.
So we invited Andrew back to talk about these differences… And this time with someone more qualified than us – Tom Clark – who has dedicated his life to progressive politics and human interconnectedness – but from a naturalist perspective.