Producers/Hosts: Barry F. Seidman / Arnell Dowret
Barry has worked as a humanist/Freethought community leader and events coordinator for the Council for Secular Humanism and the Center for Inquiry (2000-2006). Barry’s writing has been published in Free Inquiry, Philosophy Now, The Skeptic UK, The New Humanist, The Sciences, Skeptical Inquirer and EXIT, and he is co-editor of the anthology, Toward a New Political Humanism. His future plans in this area include a documentary and a book based on some of the themes of ETFF which range from social/physical science and philosophy to politics and ethics.
Arnell is a writer, radio host, and activist in the humanist community. He is a contributing author to the book, Toward A New Political Humanism, and to the book, The Myth of Free Will. He developed “Secular Connections” an alternative experimental workshop originally offered by Center for Inquiry in New Jersey. He is working on a book about Scientific Naturalism, Determinism, and Progressive Change.
Founder: Dorothy “Sara” Klein
Website Management: Barry F. Seidman and Joel Schlosberg